The Science Of Money The Science Of Money | Page 12

business of construction was successful and profitable, he drew a salary of only five hundred to six hundred rupees a month, an amount equivalent to the salary of a person with non-metric qualification. The rest of the money was retained in the business in case there was a loss or demand. He maintained this principle during his entire life. He even paid half the cost of the marriage of his partner’s children! Where else can one find such an ideal, perfect partner in the world? Dadashri conducted his business in the most perfect and unparalleled manner and yet his chit and attention remained entirely in the pursuit of the Soul. After his spontaneous Self- realization in 1958, his business continued for many years. He remained as the Self and observed the energies of his mind, speech and body unfold for the salvation of the world. He traveled extensively in small towns and villages. What must be that vision which he attained that allowed him to remain at the zenith of the worldly affairs as well as spirituality! Money is the prime force in human relationships. Money has been called the eleventh life force. In his enlightenment, which was a culmination of experiences of many previous lives, Dadashri has the ultimate knowledge of all financial interactions that take place in the world. He has the knowledge of the relationship of the coming and going of money, profit-loss, the hidden principles that govern what a person leaves behind or takes with him when he dies and all principles guiding the slightest dealings with money. These experiences of his life, which have flowed through the medium of his speech, have been compiled in this book. It is our sincere hope that the reader finds this helpful in his efforts to live a life of purity and bliss. - Dr. Niruben Amin 11