The Science Of Money The Science Of Money | Page 16

4 Money only enjoying the fruits of his merit karma. Why should we interfere in his enjoyment?’ He replied, ‘ Is it not important to make him wise?’ I told him, ‘The wise ones in the world enjoy themselves. The foolish ones waste their wealth. The one who works hard for money is a laborer’ Those who work hard derive pleasure from doing so because of their ego. The boss goes to work wearing a long coat so that all the workers would stand and welcome him as he enters the office. His ego is fed. While those who enjoy themselves, care little about power or authority. The truth is to enjoy whatever is yours. The law of the circulation of money is this: In India as there is an increase in the number of unworthy people; money increases. Where there are forthright and ethical people, the money is lacking. So note that wealth has gone to the unworthy and the undeserving. They have food on their table and do not know how to enjoy it. There are also the naive and simple people. They are unaffected if they lose money or a valuable thing. They are not concerned with societal status. For such people wealth flows in easily. Wealth does not go to those who have a lot of worldly awareness because these people have a lot of kashay - anger, pride, attachment and greed. The whole daylong they continue to do kashay. The simple ones have no such worldly awareness and are free from these inner turmoil and weaknesses. They do not fuss over things. Wealth flows to them, but they do not know how to make good use of it and it passes away without their awareness. Whatever money there is in the world today, it is all tainted and wrong. Very little of it is pure and right. There are two kinds of merit karma: One that binds demerit karma and takes a person into a lower life form and the other that binds