The Science Of Karma The Science Of Karma | Page 45
The Science of Karma
you had a right to be angry, this will create a new account for
you to become angry again in your next life. But if your internal
resolve is never to become angry, even though you do, you will
not bind anything for the next life.
You will have to suffer the consequences of the overt
visible effect karma of being angry, in this life, but you will not
be causing anything for the next life, because you have the intent
not to become angry. If, however you continue to think that you
need to show your anger to people to keep them in line, then
in your next life you will be an angry person. Therefore, the
external action is overt effect karma, but during that time the
internal intent, whatever it is, is cause karma.
If you understand just this much, there is no binding in
overt karma. That is why I have put forward this science in a
different light. Until now, people were brainwashed into believing
that they were binding karmas because of their overt karma.
This is why people have been wandering endlessly.
Living While Liberated
People believe that married people cannot attain liberation.
You must understand that being married is not an obstacle to
liberation, but your subtle cause karmas are. Your effect karmas
do not interfere. That is why I have disclosed all this to you.
Had I not made this science available to you, you would be
suffering forever. You would be in a perpetual state of confusion
and anxiety. The monks say that they will attain Moksha
(liberation), yet how will they get liberation when they do not
really know what they must sacrifice? They have merely
renounced their visible attachments; that which can be seen or
heard. For this they will reap benefits in this life. This however,
is Akram Vignan: A new kind of science! It has made it very
simple for many people to attain liberation. Is it possible to
attain liberation by abandoning one’s wife? How can you attain
liberation if you hurt anyone?