The Science Of Karma The Science Of Karma | Page 44

The Science of Karma 29
penance etc , do so because of their effect karma . There is no cause karma in these outer acts of theirs . Their actions today is their karma effect , the fruits of which they will experience in this life when people give them credit for their penance .
Actions Do Not Charge : Intentions Do
When these religious teachers do pratikraman , samayik , or give lectures , their conduct is their effect karma . It is the internal charging that is important . Their conduct today is all a discharge , of charge from the past life . Their entire external conduct is in the form of discharge . When people say that they did meditation or gave alms , they will reap the rewards of these actions in their present lifetime , but of what use is this for their next life ? One may be doing samayik externally , but only God knows what is going on internally .
A man is doing samayik ( introspective meditation ) when someone calls for him at the door . The wife answers the door . She is asked where the husband is . The wife tells his visitor , “ He has gone to the trash dumping ground .” The man overhears this conversation and upon introspection he finds that his wife is correct . Internally he was indeed meditating and in his meditation , he had been visiting bad places . This is the causal karma , while on the outside he is doing samayik , an effect karma . It would be acceptable to be doing samayik internally even though externally it would not be evident .
Thus Change The Inner Intent
Effect karma is when although you try to control your anger , the anger occurs . Does this happen or not ?
Questioner : It happens .
Dadashri : The results of that anger will be there in this life . People may avoid you or slap you . You will be disgraced one way or another . To become angry is your effect karma , but it is your internal intent that is important . If from within you feel