The Science Of Karma The Science Of Karma | Page 43
The Science of Karma
in this life was an effect. Now who can understand something
so subtle?
On the other hand a poor man is asked to make a
contribution for the same charity, and his response is that he has
only five rupees with him, which they can have. He further tells
them that he would donate five lakh rupees without any hesitation
if he had that kind of money. He is sincere about this. His
donation of five rupees is the discharge of karma created in his
past life, but what does he charge subtly? A karma where in his
next life he will be able to donate five lakh rupees when this
karma comes into fruition.
A person may appear to be a generous donor on the
outside, making a lot of donations to religious causes, and may
appear to be very active in religious activities, while on the
inside he may be scheming to take money which does not
rightfully belong to him.
This person’s visible action is an effect and for it he will
receive praise here in this life. He has created a new life of
misery for himself for the causes, which exist within him.
Donations, charitable deeds etc., are all visible karma, the benefits
of which are reaped in this life. People believe that these visible
karmas are the charge karma for the next life. In fact, it is the
subtle karma, happening within, that are charge karma and these
will come into fruition in the next life.
If a person were to steal today, his action of stealing
would be the visible karma. The fruit of this karma will be there
in this lifetime; he will be disgraced and punished. All visible
karmas are simply an effect and there is no cause in that which
is visible. Only subtle karma, otherwise known as ‘inner intent,’
is of importance. The whole world however, strives to change
the visible karma, by focusing on acts and behavior.
The monks and ascetics, who practice meditation and