The Science Of Karma The Science Of Karma | Page 42
The Science of Karma
demanding anything elaborate. Instead what people do is try to
make a good impression by making an elaborate meal, while all
along in their minds they are cursing the visitors for the
inconvenience. That is called karma. It should not be this way.
Therefore Never Spoil Your Inner Intent
Questioner: How are good and bad karmas bound?
Dadashri: The intention of giving happiness to others
binds good karma and the intention of hurting others, will bind
bad karmas. It is only through intent and not through action that
karmas are bound. The external actions may be good or bad.
That does not bind karma. What causes bondage of karmas is
the inner intent. Therefore be aware of the inner intent and do
not spoil it. The external acts are all effects.
If the motive behind an action is selfish, it will bind demerit
karma. Demerit karmas bring unhappiness. If there is no selfish
intent then you will bind merit karma. Merit karmas bring
happiness. But nevertheless, both are karmas. The shackle of
good karma is made of gold and the shackle of bad karmas is
made of iron. Both prevent liberation. Both are shackles.
Visible Karma-Effect: Subtle Karma-Cause
A wealthy businessman donates fifty thousand rupees to
a charity. His friend asks him why he did so and the businessman
tells him that he would not have donated a single penny had it
not been for the pressure from the mayor. Now what will be the
fruit of this? The donation he made is the visible karma, the
rewards of which he will get in this life when people praise and
admire him for his generosity. But even while people praise him
for his generosity, what is he charging within? The consequence
of bhaav karma of, “I would not give even a single penny…,”
he will experience in his next life. In his next life he will not be
able to donate even a single penny! This is the subtle karma,
which is the cause for the next life’s effect. The donation made