The Science Of Karma The Science Of Karma | Page 46

The Science of Karma 31 So take care of all your responsibilities towards your wife and children and realize that it is all your effect karma. But make sure that in this effect, you hold no opinions that will lead you to charge karma for the next life. I have given you these five Agnas for that very reason. Guard yourself against being of the opinion that whatever you are experiencing or doing, is correct. No such opinion should be there. That is all that is required. The rest will happen naturally. Guide Children In This Manner Parents become indignant if their child does something wrong. They go around telling others that their child is a misfit or that he is a thief. Why must they do this? Why not simply forget? Whatever is done is done. Instead, why not change the child’s internal bhaav? Parents today are not worthy of their parenthood; they are not certified to be parents and so they do not know how to go about changing their children’s bhaav. If a child develops a habit of stealing, the parents will keep tormenting and punishing him. Needless to say, this excessive reaction, on the part of the parents, does not help. So what does the child do? He decides to ignore them and rebel even more by stealing more. You have to change their bhaav. Talk to them affectionately. Hold them, hug them and make them understand with gentle words and make them see the recklessness of their actions. Ask them how they would feel if someone stole from them. Would it not hurt them if someone stole their money? Explain to them that in the same way they hurt the person they steal from. Eventually the children will heed you and come to realize that they have done wrong. Children become more stubborn and agitated if they are punished over and over again. All that is required is a change in the manner you deal with your children. The fact is that no one has understood cause karma, which is why everybody suffers.