The Science Of Karma The Science Of Karma | Page 33

18 The Science of Karma Dadashri: The karmas from the previous life were in the form of a plan, as though designed on a piece of paper. Now when it materializes and comes into fruition, it is called prarabdha (fate). It may take so many years for it to mature, perhaps fifty, seventy-five, even a hundred years. So karmas that were bound in the previous life, may take numerous years before they come into fruition. People generally think that karmas are being bound when they are actually in the process of coming into fruition or discharging. If you slap someone, people would say that you have bound karma. If you were to ask them what karma you bound, they will tell you that it was the karma from the act of slapping. Now, there is no doubt that the person you slapped is going to react. He may not react straight away, but later on when he gets the chance, he will take his revenge. People will then say you finally received payment of your karma for slapping him. That is called suffering the consequences here and now. But you have to agree with what they say and tell them that they are correct, even though they will not be able to tell you the reason behind why the other person received the slap. They will not be able to find the reason either. They will insist that you are the one who did it, whereas it is the fruition of one’s karma that makes a person do things. It is the effect of previously created causes that makes you ‘do’ things. Questioner: So the slap is the fruit of karma (effect), and not the cause of karma itself, true? Dadashri: Yes, it is the fruit of karma. It is your unfolding karma that makes you slap him. What if the person you slapped requests you to slap him again? You will not do it. There was a reason for the first slap. You both had a pending karmic account with one another, which ends there. Nothing happens outside the realm of both your accounts. There is no need to be afraid in the world. Do not lose sleep over it, but guard