The Science Of Karma The Science Of Karma | Page 32

The Science of Karma 17 Who Is The Doer, And Who Is The Sufferer? Questioner: Dada. We have to suffer the consequences of karmas from our past life, in our current life. But the karmas that the body in our previous life suffered would have been extinguished with that body in the funeral pyre. When the soul is completely pure (nirvikaar) and takes on a new body, why does the new body have to endure the karma of the previous body? Dadashri: The previous body suffered the consequences of its own karma. Questioner: So? Dadashri: These karmas were created in the mind. They are subtle karmas. These karmas are the causes, which create the causal body. Questioner: That is all fine, but did that body not have bhaavs (inner intent)? Dadashri: It is not the body that does the bhaavs. Questioner: Then? Dadashri: The physical body has suffered the fruits of its action. It experienced suffering when it received two slaps, but that which has already been in the planning, is coming into visible action now. The slaps received is an effect. The cause for this effect was planned in the past life. Questioner: Yes, but who did the planning? Was it not the previous body that did the planning? Dadashri: The body has nothing to do with it. It is all the doing of the ego. Of This Life: In This Life? Questioner: Do we suffer the consequences of all these karmas in just this lifetime or will we have to suffer them in the next lifetime as well?