The Science Of Karma The Science Of Karma | Page 34
The Science of Karma
yourself against the arrogance of the belief that nothing will
happen to you.
Karma Effects: Worldly View, And Gnani’s View
Questioner: It is said that whatever has to be suffered,
has to be suffered here in this life. What is wrong with that?
Dadashri: Yes, but that is what the world believes. What
is the reality in this?
If a person binds karma of pride through ego in his
previous life, then in this life when all the buildings are being
constructed, he will become unduly proud and say, “Look at
my buildings, they are better than the others.” Why does he
become so proud? It is because of his pride-karma. People
believe that he is binding karma through his proud and arrogant
behavior. They call this karma. Really it is the fruit or effect of
his past karma. ‘Fruit’ means that he is forced to become
arrogant against his will; it just happens, and is visible to the
What the world labels as arrogance, anger, egoistic etc.,
their results are suffered in this very life. A person pays for his
negative qualities in this lifetime when people say that he is
conceited, ill tempered and arrogant. He suffers the effects of
his egoistic arrogance when people call him conceited and
discredit his reputation. The consequences of his arrogance
and egoistic behavior are that in this very lifetime, he will be
disgraced or discredited. But if in his arrogance he feels from
within that his actions are wrong and that he needs to get rid
of his weaknesses, he is then binding a new karma of humility
for his next life. Because of this new bhaav, he will be humble
in his next life.
This is the theory of karma. If your bhaav changes while
you are doing something wrong, then you will bind a new karma,
based on your new bhaav. But if you rejoice over doing