The Science Of Karma The Science Of Karma | Page 29

14 The Science of Karma Dadashri: I call it an effect. Business is an effect. Do you have to do anything with the result of an exam? You have to do something when you take the exam, which is considered a cause. But do you have to do anything for the result? Questioner: No. Dadashri: Similarly even here, you do not have to do anything. Everything happens on its own accord. Your body is used in the process and things just happen. For causes, however, one has to do something. The belief of doership, ‘I did it’, is the cause. The suffering of that effect, ‘I am suffering’, is also the cause. Everything else is effect. Questioner: All the inner intents are causes. Dadashri: Yes, cause requires no one’s help. When you cook a wonderful meal, it is all an effect, but if in the process, you internally feel (inner intent) “I am a great cook. I made a wonderful meal,” it is this intent that is the cause. As long as you do not have this inner intent, it is all effect. All that you hear or see is effect. Causes cannot be seen. Questioner: So effect is everything that one experiences through these five senses? Dadashri: Yes. All that is an effect. Your whole life is an effect. Bhaav is the inner intent in life. This is the cause. There is a doer of this bhaav. It is called the ‘ego’ (“I am Chandulal, and this is happening to me, I am suffering.”). Whatever bhaavs (inner intent) occur in your life, if you are the ‘doer’ of those bhaavs, then they are all considered ‘causes’. That is what everyone in this world does. Once the karma ceases to bind, that is the end. Are you able to understand this much? Do you think that you can stop binding karma? Have you ever seen that happen? When you become involved in good things, you bind good karma. The