The Science Of Karma The Science Of Karma | Page 30

The Science of Karma 15
bad things are always there . You can never get rid of karma . Once you become aware of who you are and what makes all this happen , you will stop binding karma , forever .
How Did The First Karma Arise ?
Questioner : According to the theory of karma , one binds karma and then suffers its consequence later . So in a sense , it is cause and effect : First comes the cause , then comes its effect . So according to your inference , how can you trace back to the original karma ?
Dadashri : There is no beginning in that which has no beginning . It is like a beaded necklace . Where is the beginning of the earth ’ s rotation and orbit ?
Questioner : It has no beginning .
Dadashri : Therefore there is no beginning for this world . It is all round . It has no beginning . But there is liberation from this . Liberation is possible due to the presence of the Self . Everything is round , not square . If it were square , it could be said that it starts from one corner and ends at another . Where is there a corner in something round ? The entire universe is round , but your intellect cannot perceive this . So tell your intellect to stand aside . The intellect cannot fathom this , but it can be understood through Gnan .
Which comes first , the egg or the chicken ? Alas , just leave it alone and talk about something else , or else you will be doomed to the cycle of birth and death like the chickens and the egg . Anything that has no solution is round . Don ’ t you hear of people talking in circles ?
Questioner : Still the question keeps arising about where the original karma comes from before birth . In the cycle of eight million and four hundred thousand births and deaths , when and where did all this paap ( demerit karma ) and punya ( merit karma ) begin ?