The Science Of Karma The Science Of Karma | Page 28

The Science of Karma 13 Even then it travels a great distance to the ocean. Humans on the other hand, have ego and so they bind karma. If a lawyer wins a lawsuit he will say, “I won the lawsuit.” Claiming doership is the ego, and this binds karma; the ego creates a cause. In return, the fruit of this cause will come as an effect. The Mystery Of Cause And Effect Do you understand effect now? That which is happening is effect. When you submitted your examination paper (past life), it was the cause. You do not have to worry about the effect, the result, which is inevitable once the exam is given. The result is the effect. The whole world is preoccupied with the effect, and strives to change it, when really it should be concerned about the cause. Do you understand this science? Science is based on principles. It is irrefutable. If you were to earn two million in your business, would that be a cause or an effect? Questioner: It is a cause. Dadashri: Explain to me how it can be a cause. Does it happen according to your will? Questioner: When you do business, whatever is going to happen will happen. That would be effect. But one has to create the causes in order to do the business, doesn’t he? Only then will he be able to do the business, right? Dadashri: No. Cause means nothing of the outside world is necessary. You can only do the business if your health is good; you have a sound mind and you have the necessary capital. That which is dependent upon all these things is an effect. But when a man stays up worrying at night, he is creating a cause; there is nothing else necessary in that. Causes are independent. Questioner: Is the business we conduct an effect, then?