The Science Of Karma The Science Of Karma | Page 20

The Science of Karma 5
You remain bound when you are not doing any karma and yet you believe that you are doing it . Not even God is the doer . If he were , then he too would be bound by karmas . Neither you nor God is the doer .
When you pass your exams , you say , “ I passed !” yet , there is another force that prevails behind your success . To believe , “ I did it !” is the false imposition , and that is why you bind karma .
Even Vedanta Accepts God As The Non-doer
Questioner : So if things happen because of some other power , then it would not matter whether one steals or gives to charity .
Dadashri : Yes , you can say that both are the same , but people do not keep them as such . Those that give to charity bind karma because they walk around with inflated egos . The thief too , binds karma when he says , “ No one will ever catch me !” Nothing will touch you , as long as you do not hold the belief , “ I did it ”.
Questioner : In the initial stage there is a belief that God is the doer . Going further , the Vedas maintain that God is not the doer . The Upanishads say the same . God is not the doer ; everyone has to suffer the fruits of his own karmas . Do the consequences of karma continue life after life ?
Dadashri : Yes of course ! Karma is like the fruit of a mango tree . The mango will yield the tree and the tree will yield the mango and the cycle continues .
Questioner : That is the principle of Evolution . It keeps continuing .
Dadashri : No . That is the effect of karma . The mango is the fruit , which will have the seed that will grow into the tree , which in turn will yield the fruit . This will continue on . Karma disperses the seeds of karma on and on …