The Science Of Karma The Science Of Karma | Page 21

6 The Science of Karma Questioner: Therefore people will then continue creating good and bad karmas and never be free. Dadashri: Yes, the pulp of the mango is eaten and the stone seed is thrown out. Questioner: And on that site will sprout a new mango tree. Dadashri: There is no escape. If you believe that God is the doer, then why do you also believe that you are the ‘doer’? Then you too become a doer. Humans are the only species that believe ‘I am the doer’. Whenever one becomes a doer, there is a breakdown in dependency on God. God says, “Since you are the ‘doer’, then you and I are both free! Do what you want.” Then what use do you have for God? When one believes that he is the ‘doer’, he binds karma. When one ceases to believe that he is the ‘doer’, his karma effects will come to an end. The Essence Of All Scriptures That is why Akha Bhagat (Famous Saint) spoke these words, If you are Jiva (mortal), the doer is Hari (God). If you are Shiva, (Shuddhatma-pure Soul) that is the truth. It means that if you are a pure Soul, then you are correct. And if you are a mortal living being, then the one above, God, is the doer. The truth is that you are a pure Soul and that there is no one up there by the name of God who is your superior. So when the difference between Jiva and Shiva is gone, one is ready to become the Parmatma (the Supreme Soul). When people pray to God they are separating themselves from the Lord. Here, after receiving Gnan (the knowledge of Self- realization), the Jiva-Shiva difference is gone and the separation is eliminated.