The Science Of Karma The Science Of Karma | Page 19
The Science of Karma
Dadashri: Then you really are Chandubhai, are you not?
Are you not sure of that? You say, “My name is Chandubhai.”
Questioner: I am sure.
Dadashri: You say, “My name is Chandubhai,” not “I
am Chandubhai.” Then are you really Chandubhai, or are you
something else?
Questioner: That is true that we are something different.
That is a known fact.
Dadashri: No. ‘Chandubhai’ is a means to identify this
body. You know that ‘Chandubhai’ is the name of this body,
but who are you? Should you not know that?
Questioner: Yes, indeed I ought to. I should make an
effort to find out.
Dadashri: So in essence what you are doing, is taking
advantage of everything in ‘Chandubhai’s’ name. You claim to
be Chandubhai when all along you are not. Under the name of
Chandubhai, you are enjoying all the pleasures: “I am this lady’s
husband,” “I am his uncle,” etc… and consequently, binding
endless karmas, through these false beliefs.
As long as you are influenced by this false imposition, you
are binding karmas. When, the question “Who am I?” is resolved,
you will no longer bind karmas.
At the present time you are binding karma, even in your
sleep, because you go to sleep believing that you are Chandubhai.
The Lord says that the biggest karma of all is to shove the Self
into a sack before sleeping, with the belief, “I am Chandulal.”
Doership Binds Karma
Questioner: How is karma bound? Would you please
explain that further?
Dadashri: I will explain to you how karma is bound.