The Science Of Karma The Science Of Karma | Page 18

The Science of Karma 3 you encounter is your own design; nobody else is responsible for it. For endless lives, you have been responsible, “wholly and solely.” Your Own Projection People recognize that whatever they experience is their own projection. As a result they try to change that projection, but are not successful. This is because the projection is not solely in their hands. Talks about changing the projection are correct, but does one have the independent ability to do so? Yes, he does, however only to a limited extent. The major portion of this control is not in your hands. Only after attaining the true knowledge does one become independent, but until then, it is not quite so. Now how can the ‘project’ be stopped? (The project has components of cause and effect). Until one finds his real Self in all this, he continues to wander aimlessly. Although he recognizes, “This body and I are not one and the same”. There are many other inner components within and one continues to identify with them, causing the belief of, “I am Chandubhai,” to remain. It is due to his inability to break free of this belief, that man thinks he is the ‘doer’. He believes that he is the one that speaks, that he is the one doing the penance, and samayik etc. As long as he believes he is the doer, he continues to create new projects and suffer the consequences of the old (past life causes) ones. If people understood the principles of karma, they would understand the principle of liberation. Bondage Through Wrong Belief Dadashri: What is your name? Questioner: Chandubhai. Dadashri: Are you really Chandubhai? Questioner: What else can I say? It is what everyone thinks is correct.