The Science Of Karma The Science Of Karma | Page 17
The Science of Karma
karmas are good, you will be born in a good place and if they
are bad, you will be born in a bad place.
What Is The Principle Of Karma?
Questioner: What is the definition of ‘karma’?
Dadashri: Supporting any action, with the claim, “I am
doing it,” is karma. Claiming doership of any action, binds karma.
To support the action with the belief ‘I am the doer’ is called
binding the karma. It is this support of the belief of ‘doership’
that binds karma. If you know that you are not the doer and are
aware of who the true doer is, ‘I am not the doer’ and ‘who
is the doer’ then the action will not have any support and the
karma will be shed.
Questioner: What is the principle of karma?
Dadashri: If you yell, “You are a thief!” into a well, what
Questioner: You will hear the word’s echo.
Dadashri: Exactly! If you don’t like to hear what comes
to you, then you should say, “You are a king!” instead, so that
you will hear, “You are a king.” Say that, which you would like
to hear. Give what you would want to receive. That is the
principle of karma. Karma means action. What is reaction?
That is the echo. All reactions are like ‘echoes’ of your previous
actions; the fruits will be inevitable.
What does the well illustrate here? It tells you that the
world is your own projection. What you were referring to as
karma, is really a projection.
Questioner: Is there a principal of karma or not?
Dadashri: The whole world is nothing but the principle
of karma. The existence of bondage lies entirely on you, you
are responsible for it. Everything is your own projection. You
are responsible even for the formation of your body. Everything