The Science Of Karma The Science Of Karma | Page 12

What do we call ego ? The ego is the belief , “ I am that ,” when truly one is not that . When the Self is identified wrongly , it is ego . It is ego when one believes , “ I am Chandubhai ,”, because here one identifies himself with his name and body . “ I am this body , I am her husband .” In reality , one is the Pure Soul , but he is not aware of this real identity . Because the person does not have this awareness , he identifies himself as ‘ I am Chandulal ’ and ‘ I am this body .’ This belief is ignorance and it is because of this ignorance that karmas are bound .
If you renounce the identification with the body , then you are not the doer of karmas and neither are you the enjoyer or sufferer of these karmas . That is the ultimate essence of dharma .
~ Shrimad Rajchandra
If you are an embodied soul , or jiva then Lord Hari is the doer . If you are Shiva , the primordial Soul , then that is the true essence ( meaning you are not the doer ). ~ Akha Bhagat .
When one identifies with , “ I am Chandulal ,” it is called ‘ jiva dasha ’ ( embodied soul ). When one becomes aware of the Gnan that , “ I am not Chandulal , but I am Shuddha Atma ( Pure Soul ) in reality ,” that is called ‘ Shiva pada ’. One is Shiva . The Atma is parmatma , whose natural state is devoid of all mundane actions . The Atma by nature has no doership . It is the Gnani who is constantly aware of , “ I am the Self ,” and “ I am not the doer of anything ,” and therefore he does not bind new karmas . The old discharge karmas mature , give fruit , and are exhausted .
The seeds of karmas are sown in the past life and give their fruits in this life . Who gives the fruits of these karmas ? God ? No . It is given by nature , or what is called ‘ Scientific Circumstantial Evidences ’ ( Vyavasthit Shakti ), by Param Pujya Shree Dadashri . It is due to ignorance that , while experiencing the karmas , raag-dwesh ( likes-dislikes ) is created , which in turn creates new seeds of karma that mature in the next life and
have to be suffered . Gnanis prevent one from creating new 11