The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine July, 2018 | Page 37
connection and get some guidance. But those
answers seem to come from the outside. What
about my deeper inner knowing? folder suggests the way or situation in which the
information in it could be useful (say, in April or at
The good news is you can connect with and learn
about your inner self from the subject?s finest
expert? you! As a counselor and life coach, I have
facilitated hundreds of sessions for clients using a
counseling and coaching method called Cl ean
Language, developed by the late counseling
psychologist and coach, David Grove. With Clean
Language questions and strategies, you can create
the right conditions to learn, not only from your
conscious self, but your subconscious, physical, and
spiritual selves. So, what sort of filing system does your
subconscious use? It chooses a metaphor, a symbol
or image that shares characteristics with the
situation that?s happening. Any other similar
situation that occurs gets filed under the same
Met aphors Mat t er
The key is your inner metaphors. Quite unawares,
you have chosen metaphoric images or symbols
that capture what
meaningful experiences are
like for you. It?s actually a
brilliant learning and
remembering strategy that
Grove discovered we all use.
It works like this:
Something happens that
feels important; ?I?m going to
want to remember this,? your
subconscious mind thinks,
?so the next time something
similar happens, I?ll quickly
know how to respond. I?ll be
ready!? (Safety is very important to the
Given that there will be an infinite number of such
learnings over the course of a lifetime, the
subconscious has to come up with an efficient way
of storing these lessons and an efficient way of
retrieving the lessons quickly so you can respond in
the moment.
For example, in high school your boyfriend/
girlfriend dumps you for someone else. Ouch! It?s a
painful lesson about how love can hurt. Your
subconscious decides, ?I need to know how to
protect myself from hurts like this in the future. I
need to remember what I?ve learned about love.
?What is love like for me? It?s like grasping a
beautiful red rose, only
to get stabbed by a
thorn. You have to be
careful about rose
thorns; I have to be
careful about love in the
future.? And so an inner
metaphor is born, there
to be recalled and guide
you the next time the
first feelings of new
love bloom.
Remember now, this is
subconscious. Likely
your inner mind came up with this theory about
love, and you aren?t aware that this metaphor is
directing your responses. It?s like there is a screen
writer and a movie director on a set, and you are
just the actor reading lines already written for you.
Finding out about these metaphors, changing the
misguided ones, strengthening the ones that can
empower you, and fashioning new ones to help you
live your life to the fullest? this is how you can get
crystal clear on what you truly want and need. Then
you can best determine what to manifest to move
forward into abundance.
It?s like a computer?s filing system. Imagine if every
single document was stored individually only by
date and time. It would be impossible to efficiently
find what we need! Instead, we use folders to
collect documents that are similar in some
Maybe you worry
significant way (perhaps Tax Records or Recipes), so
Some of us fear that allowing our subconscious self
we can retrieve them easily. The category of the
to emerge will reveal a raging beast. My experience
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