The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine July, 2018 | Page 38
working with clients is that, far from being beastly,
the subconscious is more like a child, wanting most
of all to be safe and comfortable, hesitant to risk
change, choosing an uncomfortable familiar over the
unknown. The subconscious needs to learn what the
conscious mind knows to update strategies and
expectations. And the conscious mind needs that
connection and awareness to avoid jumping to
solutions that don't consider the needs of the
subconscious. Only then can you heal. Only then can
you grow to your full potential. Only then can you
invite in all you need.
Keep asking this question about more of the words
you used to describe what?s there. If you discover
more about your image for that feeling, put that
down, in words or pictures. Then do it again,? and
again. Generally, the first few things you know are
things you?ve been aware of before. But keep asking,
and what you didn?t know you knew will reveal itself.
Keep asking until you don?t know anything more
about your words or images or until it feels right to
If you were working with a Clean Language
facilitator, she or he would use more Clean questions
Discover Yoursel f wit h Cl ean Language
and have more strategies about where to direct your
You can use Clean Language questions
attention in and amongst what you are
Con si der :
on your own for personal development.
uncovering. But, at its heart, finding our
what?s a feeling
What questions do you ask your
about what your subconscious knows
you?d like mor e of and wants is straight- forward: it?s
subconscious? How can you tap into
in your life?
what it has to tell y ou? Let me offer you
about connecting with your metaphors
Cal m ? Ex ci t em en t ? and asking simple questions that invite
a taste of what?s possible.
To be m or e
more and more about them to emerge.
con f i den t ?
Consider: what?s a feeling you?d like
M or e open ?
more of in your life? Calm? Excitement?
As you help your conscious and
M or e cr eat i ve?
To be more confident? More open?
subconscious minds get to know each
More creative? Pick something you
other better, they will give you the gift
want. Now draw a picture of what that would look
of a profoundly complete sense of what it is you
like. A simple stick-figure type drawing is fine; this
truly want and need.
isn?t about artistic ability at all.
Want more Cl ean Language?
Hope in a Corner of My Heart: a
Maybe calm would look like a raft floating on a calm
healing journey through the dream-logical world of
sea; excitement might look like Fourth of July
inner metaphors tells the story of my 12 sessions
sparklers; confident might be a tall oak tree in your
spine, and so on. No need to over think it; there is no with Julia, who had recently lost her daughter in a
car accident. They will give you a picture window
right or wrong answer. What you are discovering is
into what discovering your personal metaphors can
your mind/ body?s metaphor for that feeling in your
reveal and heal. Each chapter ends with a Clean
life and in your body.
Language activity to try for yourself.
You don?t have to have suffered a traumatic loss like
Now describe your drawing briefly. You might want
to write down the words you use somewhere on your Julia or be emotionally struggling to benefit from
Clean Language. Anyone who wants to get to know
drawing or in a journal. Then choose one of your
himself or herself better will find a Clean experience
words/ short phrases and ask yourself this Clean
opens up a whole new view of the inner you as you
Language question: And is there anything else about
have never known it before.
that [word/ phrase]?
Gina Campbell is a Certified Clean Language Practitioner who works with
individuals seeking personal development. She has written four books and trains
helping and healing professionals in Clean Language processes. To learn more
and see a list of her upcoming training events, please visit:
Page 38- Ju ly, 2018