The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine July, 2018 | Page 36
W hat You Don?t Know You Know:
Accessing Your W isdom W ithin
By Gi n a Cam pbel l
Experiments have shown that we aren?t actually all
that good at knowing why we do the things we do.
Much of our calculating, our decision-making, and
what drives them remain hidden from us. It follows
logically, then, that we aren?t all that good at
knowing all that we actually need.
Yet, the first and most important step towards
manifesting what you most want and need is to be
sure you have a really
clear and accurate
vision of what that is.
And therein lies the
problem: our conscious
mind isn?t the only
source of information
about our desires; it
may not even be the
best source. Like the tip
of an iceberg, we are
only able to access a
relatively limited part of
our mind/ body system conscio