Once one has recognized that they may be feeling the symptoms of being burnt out, the next step would be to try and heal oneself through a variety of methodologies. There are a variety of methods to choose from, with variety of possible channels to use and perchance develop a new habit. One of the most common is exercise but let’s explore other ways that can help. Remember, they can be fun or challenging. The choice is yours.
Let’s start with some fun ways to combat stress; music-listen to your favorite genres, take ‘Fido’ to the dog park or just cuddle up to him, be creative-paint your masterpiece, aromatherapy-combine scents that bring you a sense of calm, lavender oil is great for calming the senses. Now for some that may be a bit challenging; eat a balanced diet, yoga or meditation, be positive-speak positive, make your to-do list manageable and don’t do more than you are able, and one of the harder ones is to cut out the things in your life that cause your stress-just don’t be too extreme with nixing out those stressful triggers. Here are some examples; control your caffeine
intake, disconnect from digital devices, or limit the amount of news you watch.
As we all continue to self-isolate, practice social distancing and somewhat worry about a variety of other issues, knowing that if we take care of us as individuals, we will in turn be able to be there for those we care for. There is no overnight cure to combating stress, but if one is willing to invest in oneself and take some time to do “you”, your well-being will thank you for it.
“The day she let go of the things that were weighing her down, was the day she began to shine the brightest.” – Katrina Mayer