A Farewell to
Our Dear Principal
Greg Ferbrache
With Prom having come and gone, it seems like
just another year is winding down for Ralston Valley…
But this is not so for, at the end of this very year, Ralston
will be saying goodbye not only to its seniors, but its principal Jim Ellis, as well.
“It’s exciting and scary all at the same time,” Ellis had
to say about retiring. “It’s probably a lot like going to college: you’re excited to go off to college, then there’s a fear
of the unknown with a little bit of sadness.”
His gloom, understandably, derives from a separation
from his school, the school he has been at the helm of
since 2004 and only a mere decade later must part from
– a school which has educated and propelled his three
children into college.
Now outside of the certain sorrow associated with the
loss of our beloved principal -- Ellis, himself, showing
this sadness as well -- there springs a vibrancy of hope
and goodwill towards his retirement.
“I’m just incredibly attached to this school emotionally,” he said smiling. “I know it’s corny and a overused
phrase, but I just thrive on being around kids!”
His job as principal for Ralston seemed to not even
register as a “job” for him, it truly seemed to give him a
great pleasure to be able to come into work each and every day as wherever he can be found around the halls, he
always wears an impeccable smile and promotes a sense
of ease and happiness for his school.
“There’s something contagious, in a good way, about
being around teenagers. I mean, overall the kids and staff
make it a wonderful place to be -- what better place to
spend your time, right?”