That grade matters, it could change your grade
from an A to a B or a B to a C. It’s amazing how
much one little piece of paper can change your grade
for worse.
One of the teachers realizes that system isn’t
as great as it could be either, the German teacher,
Ms. Douglas said,
“Tests shouldn’t
be about the grade.
They are should be
teaching you what
you know and what
you don’t know.”
Tests already do
this but they could
be put into a better
form. For example, in most classes,
your tests count for about 50% of your total grade.
This can change your overall grade in an instant!
All over the country other high school students
are experiencing stress as well. NPR wanted to see
just how much stress students were facing, some of
the responses include, “At the time of writing this,
my weekend assignments include two papers, a PowerPoint to go with a 10-minute presentation, studying for a test and two quizzes, and an entire chapter.”
A possible solution for the problem we’re facing
is to have more time set aside in class to get things
done. I know in math class, I wish I would have
twenty minutes set aside in class so that I could get
at least part of the amounting homework done.
Adding on to this, teachers could help themselves
with grading time and student’s homework time by
making it classwork
and trusting students
to know what they
are doing. It would
be the student’s
responsibility to
ask for help if they
needed it.
Other students
say that the teachers
should all communicate with each other
all the time so that they can know how much homework that each class is giving out during that week.
There are downfalls to both of these solutions;
but, it would at least give a substantial reduction to
how long students would spend on homework. R
Your tests count for about 50%
your total grade. This can
change your overall grade in
an instant!