The RenewaNation Review SPRING 2024 v16 i1 | Page 17

Eternal Work Experience
• Elohim : Creator , Mighty , and Strong
• El Shaddai : God Almighty
• Adonai : Lord
• YHWH : Lord
• Yahweh-Jireh : The Lord Will Provide
• Yahweh-Rapha : The Lord Who Heals
• Yahweh-Nissi : The Lord Our Banner
• Yahweh-M ’ Kaddesh : The Lord Who Sanctifies , Makes Holy
• Yahweh – Shalom : The Lord Our Peace
• Yahweh-Elohim : Lord God
• Yahweh-Tsidkenu : The Lord Our Righteousness
• Yahweh-Rohi : The Lord Our Shepherd
• Yahweh-Shammah : The Lord Is There
• Yahweh-Sabaoth : The Lord of Hosts
• El Elyon : Most High
• El Roi : God of Seeing
• El Olam : Everlasting God
• El Gibhor : Mighty God
Contact Information

God said to Moses , “ I AM WHO I AM .”

And he said , “ Say this to the people of Israel : ‘ I AM has sent me to you .’”
Exodus 3:14
Required Primary Method ( i . e ., Start Here ): Through accepting and surrendering to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior . “ Jesus said to him , ‘ I am the way , and the truth , and the life . No one comes to the Father except through me . If you had known me , you would have known my Father also . From now on you do know him and have seen him ’” ( John 14:6-7 ). “ Whoever has seen me has seen the Father ” ( John 14:9b ).
Follow-On Methods
• Through prayer . “ The Lord is near to all who call on him , to all who call on him in truth ” ( Psalm 145:18 ).
• Through the study of God ’ s Word . “ With my whole heart I seek you ; let me not wander from your commandments ! I have stored up your word in my heart , that I might not sin against you ” ( Psalm 119:10-11 ).
• Through gathering regularly with other believers . “ And let us not neglect our meeting together , as some people do , but encourage one another , especially now that the day of his return is drawing near ” ( Hebrews 10:25 NLT ).
• Through faith and trust . “ Trust in the Lord with all your heart , and do not lean on your own understanding . In all your ways acknowledge him , and he will make straight your paths ” ( Proverbs 3:5-6 ).
To Whom It May Concern ( i . e ., all those wondering if God is real and trustworthy ):
I have known God for almost fifty years . I was introduced to Him in a powerful way during an intense time of trying to figure out the meaning and purpose of my life . Though I had heard of Him , I had never experienced Him as at all relevant to my life . With a tiny bit of faith , I asked Him to show me His reality and trustworthiness . Over the years , He has proven to be not only real and trustworthy but the very ground of my being . In Him , I have found the meaning and purpose of life I so craved .
Recently , my husband of 56 years completed a 16-month hard battle with cancer . During this time , God repeatedly proved His trustworthiness , including bringing my husband to a much deeper understanding of what it means to experience the powerful and loving presence of the One who is the Creator and Sustainer of all life . Who — through His Son Jesus Christ — provides not only abundant living but also victory over our biggest enemy : death .
In the severest trial of my life , I wondered if my faith in God would wobble . It did . But God ’ s faithfulness to me and my husband never did . He has proved Himself to be all I hoped for and much more . I would and do stake my life on His reality and trustworthiness .
Respectfully ,

Jan Hogle