The RenewaNation Review SPRING 2024 v16 i1 | Page 16


Seeking to have My name ( character , attributes , and works ) and especially My trustworthiness as Lord and Savior known and experienced by all peoples of all times and of all tribes , tongues , and nations , resulting in a new and holy people populating a new and holy heaven and earth .
By Jan Hogle
EDITOR ’ S NOTE : Jan Hogle penned the beautiful piece that follows from a profound place of sorrow . She had just laid her husband of 56 years to rest after a hard-fought battle with stage 4 terminal lung cancer . Jan entered a flurry of activity and spent weeks planning and preparing a befitting memorial service for Lt Gen Walter (“ Woody ”) S . Hogle Jr . As the demands of putting on this large event settled down and friends and family returned home , the reality of widowhood set in . Jan was now living alone . At times , it seemed her grief would become unbearable , but after a lifetime of seeing God ’ s faithfulness , Jan knew God was with her . A devotional email from her former pastor gave her an idea . From resume courses she had taught to women , Jan used her skills to write a resume that includes work history and experience no one else can ever claim . As these words poured from her , grief turned to worship , where Jan experienced the magnificence of our God in a new and unique way .
Qualified By
I am the Alpha and the Omega , the beginning and end of all history and all creation . I am One Eternal Being but exist as three persons : Father , Son , and Holy Spirit . My ways and wisdom are higher than anyone who has ever or will ever live . My power and My perfection are beyond the ability of humans to understand . But My highest qualification , which makes Me completely trustworthy , is My love for all creation , especially mankind . It is a never-ending , undeserved , redeeming , transforming love .
Selected Accomplishments
• Created the universe and all that it contains
• Created in a unique way both men and women in My own image and with the body , mind , will , and heart to know Me , to rule over the earth , and to accomplish great things
• Continually sustain and hold together the universe
• Provided a perfect plan and a perfect Person , My own beloved Son , to rescue mankind when they refused to know Me and chose to go their own way