The RenewaNation Review SPRING 2024 v16 i1 | Page 15


We are committed to providing access to resources that inspire and equip the family , church , and school to train children with a biblical worldview . We invite you to consider the following organizations .
Parents must seek to faithfully fulfill this call to share the gospel with their children , and we must openly recognize that though we can pray , gather , and share the Bible with our children , only God can ultimately capture their hearts . God has His role , and we have ours . The steps I shared are just one way to obey this calling . We have had both successes and heartbreaks in parenting , and I cannot share a foolproof list of steps to guarantee your children ’ s salvation . Yet , parents do have an important role to play in faith formation , remembering and trusting that God is eager to support this transfer of faith to the next generation in His timing and ( in part ) through our faith-filled prayers and efforts . After all , He is the one calling us to this role ( Deut . 6:4-9 ).
We cannot be the Holy Spirit , but our primary role is to prayerfully depend on and cooperate with the Holy Spirit , sharing from our own genuine faith and love . We must attend to the atmosphere of our home , ensuring it is a safe and enjoyable space for learning and discussion and not harsh , critical , distracted , or filled with unpleasantness . We must build strong , healthy relationships with our children outside of our Bible studies so our voices and input are well received . At the same time , we work to form the habit of prayerfully reading and discussing the Scriptures together , and we seek to wisely choose the most appropriate , truth-filled , engaging , life-giving resources available to assist us .
Jesus said , “ If you abide in my word , you are truly my disciples , and you will know the truth , and the truth will set you free ” ( John 8:31-32 ). Abiding in God ’ s Word is true discipleship . Won ’ t you join me in cultivating a gospel-inspired discipleship life in your home by intentionally creating time and space for your family to abide in God ’ s Word together ? ■
Anne Butler is a speaker and author of Feast Of Inquiry : Discussion Questions to Serve Our Souls From Every New Testament Chapter . She has over three decades of experience in parenting and home education . You can find more of Anne ’ s writing at tablelearningresources . com , where she shares articles emphasizing family discipleship , spiritual growth , and home education .
Feast of Inquiry is an easy-to-use Bible study resource filled with unique discussion question sets corresponding with every chapter of the New Testament in one complete volume . Confidently explore and discuss the Bible with ease and depth and foster deeper relationships through the cultivation of personal , group , or family devotions and discipleship .
TableLearningResources . com
Good Book Mom ’ s mission is to help you find books for the children in your life , filtering everything through a biblical worldview . We offer a membership that includes curated book lists as well as a biblical alternative to Scholastic Book Orders . Visit our website to find out everything we have to offer .
GoodBookMom . com
IGNITE 3:16 has a heart and mission to spread the Gospel to children . As our world changes , our goal is to equip and empower Christians with tools to reach children , showing them God ’ s purpose and plan to reach the next generation in powerful and mighty ways !
Ignite316 . com • 770-876-9017
Mud Hen Mama has spent hours reviewing books to put together the best titles we can find so you can feel good about sharing them with your kids and even yourself ! Protect your family against the prevailing culture with books that align with your values by shopping MHM books .
MudHenMama . com
The Clearly Christian Podcast with Dr . Cy Smith explores the importance of equipping young people with a biblical worldview . Hard-hitting interviews with Christian Education leaders help you Know More so you can say “ No More ” when you must . Join us in the fight for what ’ s right for our kids .
ClearlyChristianEducation . com
This info has been provided to RenewaNation and received in good faith . Recommendations are for general informational purposes only . We make no guarantee of any kind regarding the accuracy of this info . We recommend you closely examine all products and services to confirm RENEWANATION biblical reliability . ORG . 15