The RenewaNation Review SPRING 2024 v16 i1 | Page 14

If your situation is one of insecurity or inexperience , the following paragraphs describe an uncomplicated model of discussing God ’ s Word with simple steps we have incorporated into our family ’ s rhythms . Much of what I share on the topic of education and faith formation I gleaned from British educational philosopher Charlotte Mason , so you may recognize her influence throughout these steps .
1 . Pray : If it is the Holy Spirit ’ s role to reveal truth , awaken faith , bring repentance , and capture hearts with God ’ s goodness , we want to eagerly and prayerfully invite His presence .
2 . Review or Overview : When continuing any study , spend a moment at the beginning of your time remembering the previous context and learning you ’ ve gained so far in your study . When beginning a new book of the Bible , read an overview paragraph together to get your bearings and the book ’ s general message .
3 . Read : Take turns reading a passage or chapter aloud , splitting the text among reading participants . I recommend parents have a trusted Study Bible , with everyone reading from the same translation . Study Bibles are invaluable for providing book overviews , answering difficult text questions , exploring interesting related information , and supplying relevant maps . Our family keeps a small basket filled with Bibles near where we gather for easy reach . For children under age 10 , we also make available blank paper , colored pencils , and coloring pages of biblical scenes . This keeps young hands occupied but doesn ’ t preclude participation .
4 . Narrate : Next , take time for one or two participants to share in their own words some ideas from the reading they understood , noticed , or recalled . This takes a few minutes of concentration , yet it is valuable for clarifying and solidifying the ideas and details of the passage . Narrating reveals to you as a parent what sparked their attention . Younger families may rely more heavily on this step than the next , working to fully understand the main messages , ideas , themes , and events of each passage .
5 . Questions and Discussion : It is important not to fear but to welcome and prioritize questions that arise organically . Questioning minds are engaged minds . Parents should also have several thoughtful , open-ended questions ready for this portion . At the same time , I highly caution against using prepared questions as a tool to quiz and evaluate what your children may have missed from the reading . We want our children ’ s hearts to be open , eager , and curious with wonder toward God , not anxious to answer your questions correctly .
Your goal is to find the sweet spot where discussions are long enough to be meaningful yet not so long to lose your children ’ s attention . Guard yourself against talking too much , lecturing , or moralizing ; instead , let the Holy Spirit apply the Word to your children ’ s hearts . He is sufficient , and our clumsy moralizing and lecturing ( especially during a family Bible study ) often hinder the heart change we desire . Respect your youth and their spiritual aptitudes , remembering we are instructed to become like children .
6 . Pray : As you wind down the discussion , move to sharing time together in prayer . Typically , parents do the bulk of the praying in our homes , so this is a great time to invite our children into the practice of prayer .
7 . Sing : Finally , along with our Bibles , we keep a collection of familiar choruses , song sheets , and hymnals nearby . Singing is a beautiful way to conclude on a worshipful , Godward note .