Pillar Seven : ANSWERS
Pillar Seven : ANSWERS
Like no other belief system , Christianity offers substantive and adequate answers to help us make sense of our world . The Christian faith tells us how we got here , how we got into the mess we are in , the ultimate solution to our problems , how God will resolve things in the end , and how we fit into His master plan .
We intuitively know things in the world are not as they ought to be . Reasonable , clear answers to life ’ s fundamental questions are found in the teachings of Christianity . We discover these in the context of walking with Christ in close fellowship , and we learn about God ’ s plans and purposes for us and His entire creation from studying His Word . Despite having been written over a period of 1,500 years by 40 different writers , the Bible has amazing unity that attests to the reality of one author — God — and the reality of one way to know God — Jesus Christ . 7 I encourage you to learn more about the validity of the Christian faith and the biblical worldview . 8
Next time , in Part Three , we will explore how showing respect for the absolutes of the Christian faith leads to authentic liberty . Stay tuned ! ■
This article is based on several in a series of articles about the legitimacy of absolute truth , available at wordfoundations . com / contending-for-the-recognition-of-absolutes .
B . Nathaniel Sullivan is a blogger and a writer , posting at wordfoundations . com and discoverbedrocktruth . org .
ENDNOTES 1 . In a footnote , Koukl credits Chuck Colson with the insight that Christianity is a worldview . It was an insight Colson shared on a Focus on the Family broadcast on August 13 , 2009 . Koukl writes that Colson ’ s “ exact words were , ‘ Christianity is not just a relationship with Jesus . It is a way of seeing all of life and reality .’” 2 . Greg Koukl , The Story of Reality : How the World Began , How It Ends , and Everything Important that Happens in Between ( Grand Rapids : Zondervan , 2017 ), 22-23 . 3 . While Christ ushered in an “ age of grace ” in which the Jewish ceremonial law was superseded by His perfect sacrifice for human sin on the cross , His coming , death , and resurrection still did not replace the moral and ethical law of God as a standard by which believers — and all people , for that matter — are to live . We cannot be saved by keeping God ’ s law — ethical , moral , or ceremonial . We are saved by relying fully on Christ for salvation . Nevertheless , God ’ s moral law is still in force , reflecting His expectations and standards for human attitudes and behavior . 4 . “ In the Beginning God ,” SundaySchoolZone . com , https :// sundayschoolzone . com / in-thebeginning-god . 5 . Paul F . Taylor , “ Three Days and Three Nights ,” Answers in Genesis , June 29 , 2009 , https :// answersingenesis . org / jesus / resurrection / three-days-and-nights . 6 . See Acts 1:4-11 ; Philippians 2:5-11 ; 1 Corinthians 15:1-8 ; 2 Corinthians 5:21 ; Hebrews 4:15 . 7 . JB Cachila , “ Who Wrote The Bible ? Word of God Written by 40 Different Authors ,” The Christian Post , April 6 , 2017 , https :// christianpost . com / news / who-wrote-the-bible . html . 8 . Resources from RenewaNation will help you become acquainted with Christianity as a comprehensive and reliable worldview .
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