The RenewaNation Review 2023 Volume 15 Issue 2 | Page 16

Pillar Four : JESUS CHRIST
Pillar one : God
Pillar Two : History
Pillar Five : GOD ’ S LAWS
Pillar Six : SALVATION
Pillar Three : THE BIBLE
The Internal Consistency of Christianity : Seven Pillars
There is one primary reason to believe the teachings of Christianity and to reject all other competing truth claims — including relativism . Christianity is true because it fits reality ! Just as no building can stand without adequate support , Christianity cannot stand without core teachings . The Christian faith rests on seven authentic pillars that mutually support biblical teachings and make sense of the world in which we live .

Pillar Four : JESUS CHRIST

God also has revealed Himself in the person of Jesus Christ . Jesus is God in human flesh and the central figure of the Christian faith . He came to earth as a human being without ceasing to be God , lived a perfect life , and died on a Roman cross to pay the penalty for human sin . Three days later , 5 He rose from the dead and appeared to His followers multiple times before ascending to God the Father , even as angels assured His disciples that He would return one day . 6 We can meet Jesus and become the beneficiaries of His death and subsequent resurrection by accepting God ’ s invitation to salvation .

Pillar one : God

Who is God ? The first words in the Bible , “ In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth ,” highlight and allude to many of His divine qualities . 4 God is eternal , omnipotent , omnipresent , omniscient , and the sustainer of all that is . He is our Creator who is both holy and loving and to whom we each will give an account ( see Ps . 62:11-12 ).

Pillar Two : History

Throughout all of history , God has acted to accomplish His purposes . The Bible provides an accurate record of historical events through which God has revealed truth about Himself and what He desires for humanity .

Pillar Five : GOD ’ S LAWS

God has revealed truth about Himself and humanity through His ethical and moral laws — most significantly the Ten Commandments , which point to God ’ s holiness and how completely we have failed to live up to His perfect standard . God ’ s laws are absolute and are reliable standards by which we can and should make ethical and moral choices . His laws mirror His character and contrast to our own sinful nature to follow our way rather than God ’ s . All people have defied God by violating His commands . Being holy , He cannot fellowship with us in our natural condition , for we are sinners by nature and by choice .

Pillar Six : SALVATION

Pillar Three : THE BIBLE

In the Bible , God has revealed truth about Himself and about life , death , sin , eternity , and His purpose for humanity . The Bible is a trustworthy and reliable written revelation of God to humanity .
Salvation is possible only through Jesus Christ and is extended to humanity by invitation from God . Jesus Christ makes it possible for sinners to avoid God ’ s righteous wrath , experience His mercy and grace , and become acquainted with Him personally and intimately . When we accept God ’ s invitation to be saved , God the Holy Spirit regenerates us , giving each one of us a new , spiritual life . Relying on Jesus , we can be forgiven , receive eternal life , and find and fulfill the purposes for which God created us .