The RenewaNation Review 2023-2024 The Collingsworth Family Special Edition | Page 27

William & Brooklyn

You have expressed your commitment to having Christ as the foundation of your marriage and home . What are some of the practical ways you live this out in your marriage ?
WILLIAM : It truly is a daily commitment to make Christ the center of our marriage and home . Back when we were dating , we focused on the relationship not just being between the two of us but having Christ in the center . As much as I love Brooklyn , I love Jesus that much more and must live to please Him . By living with that as my focus and goal , loving my wife and kids comes very naturally as it flows from my love for Jesus .
BROOKLYN : The first practical way that comes to mind is that William and I try to take every single decision to God , whether for us as a couple , family , or work-related , and beg Him for wisdom . We want His will for our marriage and family , which is a tangible way to acknowledge Him in all areas . A common goal draws people together ; in this case , our common goal is pleasing God and having Him control our lives . That , in turn , draws us closer to Him and each other .

Phillip & Sharlenae

Why is it important to take time for just the two of you ? What things do you enjoy doing together ?
PHILLIP : It ’ s important because it gives us an opportunity to really check in with one another on a deeper level . At the very least , we can just sit and stare at each other without interruption ( LOL ). We enjoy exploring the city we live in and playing golf together . Sometimes we find a new restaurant to try or a new activity to experience . Just being together is our objective when we get a chance to get away .
SHARLENAE : Life gets busy , and you must be intentional about spending time together . It doesn ’ t always mean a date night out on the town , but it can be as simple as sitting on the couch together watching a movie after the kids are in bed . It ’ s just having that time with each other without interruptions that ’ s so important . A few things we have enjoyed doing together for date nights have been trying out a new restaurant in Cincinnati , hiking at the Cincinnati Nature Center , and going to Topgolf .