The RenewaNation Review 2023-2024 The Collingsworth Family Special Edition | Page 26


Become One

From newlyweds to seasoned couples , members of The Collingsworth Family have a wide range of experiences with marriage . In this article , they share some of the blessings and challenges of marriage along with practical , biblical advice for married couples .

Phil & Kim

You have enjoyed almost four decades together as husband and wife . What is your most significant piece of advice for young couples ? What is the key to staying together for a lifetime ?
KIM : My most significant advice would be to make God the center of your marriage ! This simply means acknowledging Him in every decision you make and in every response that you have . The Bible tells us in Proverbs 3:5-6 to “ Trust in the Lord with all your heart , and do not lean on your own understanding . In all your ways acknowledge him , and he will make straight your paths .”
Phil and I read the Bible together almost every morning , just the two of us . Why do we do this ? Because we know in our humanness that there will be trouble , but when we understand what God has to say about relationships , it makes a world of difference in our marriage . This is so helpful in keeping our marriage centered around what really matters and what God has to say about different things we encounter .
When you have those moments of “ intense fellowship ” ( and you will , I promise you !), go back to what the Bible says about putting away all malice , anger , and rage . Go back to the Golden Rule of “ doing unto others as you would have them do unto you ,” and if you choose to do what the Bible instructs us to do , not just reading or hearing it , but also obeying it , you ’ ll work out whatever is troubling your marriage . And the Bible goes as far as to say in James 1:25 , “ You will be blessed in all you do !”
Pray together ! It ’ s hard to hold grudges or fight and argue with someone when you ’ re praying together .
One last thing : When you enter marriage , enter with the understanding that love is a commitment , not a feeling . Yes , feelings will be there from time to time , but on most days , marriage is a commitment and an understanding that whatever happens , through God ’ s grace and help , we can make it ! We ’ re in this for life . Forgiveness is key !