The Renaissance Soulja Digest August 2014 | Page 3
Aside from being cheap, its
benefits of are numerous.
Soya has anti-cancer
(isoflavones) and antiinflammatory (lunasin)
properties. It also has
components which can help
prevent diabetes,
cardiovascular diseases and
osteoporosis. Moreover, it
has large amounts of
essential fatty acids and high
quality protein – perfect for
those who want to ditch
meat in their diet.
Soya’s versatility produces
different kinds of food
products such as milk (liquid
and powder); coffee (by
roasting); Soyannaise (a nonfat mayonnaise); burger
patty (from the sapal); ice
cream; and a lot more.
Photo By: Bhaskaranaidu (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0
via Wikimedia Commons