The Renaissance April, 1400 | Page 28

To do justice with Shakespeare and his writings is impossible. He is one of the greatest writers in history without a doubt. Many actually believe that he is the greatest writer of all time and I’m not going to argue with that.

A Midsummer Night’s Dream is actually the first play that I have read that was written by Shakespeare. The plot is pretty funny (it's a comedy, after all). The play centers on a love triangle between two couples and the strange things that happen when the lovers (Lysander and Hermia/ Demetrius and Helena) enter into the woods and encounter the enchanting world of the fairies. Basically, the two couples get all caught up in a twisted love triangle when fairy magic comes in. They start loving the wrong people and everything just gets all mixed up.

A Midsummer Night’s Dream is one of Shakespeare’s best known, most well loved and enjoyed plays. Most people seem to love it because it’s a play filled with humor and imagination. It has many themes going on such as magic, and the difficulty of love. I really liked how this play was basically a fantasy but I kind of wished that there were more characters being messed with by the fairies.

This is a great play to help introduce students to the world of Shakespeare. I'd definitely recommend this play to people who have already read some of his other work or to any Shakespeare first timers.

A Midsummer Night's Dream

by Nicole Hatae