The Renaissance April, 1400 | Page 29

by Anna Kim

This is just stupid. Plus the age difference alone is creepy! Juliet is thirteen and Romeo is like nineteen. His age is never mentioned which makes it even more suspicious so he could be 30 for all we know. However, he is most likely 16-21. Then there’s the “love at first sight” aspect. The editor feels that love at first sight does not exist and while it’s all cute and fun to daydream about, that’s exactly what it is. A fantasy, that’s only fueled by stories such as this. The play opens with a sonnet that tells you what’s going to happen in the play and when you are introduced to Juliet she is childish and suddenly matures when she meets Romeo. Then there’s Romeo. O, Romeo, why sop stupid thy Romeo. At the start of the play he’s completely infatuated, or “in love” with Juliet’s cousin, Rosaline and goes to the party to see her. But when he sees Juliet he becomes completely infatuated with her. Yes, infatuated, not in love, and begins a downward spiral that leads to his death. I 100 percent believe that Romeo and Juliet’s “love” was purely infatuation, which was then fueled by Juliet’s reciprocation, which Rosaline did not give so it was only natural for him to move on to the next pretty girl he sees, and hormones. None of these things contribute to a healthy relationship and Romeo and Juliet proved it. Romeo, a desperate, hormonal, teenage boy who has a history of making rash decisions decides to kill himself as soon as he believes his “wife” is dead. Then Juliet, an immature, hormonal, betrothed, teenage girl is completely ready to drink a poison that makes her appear dead and break her parent’s hearts just so that she can run away with her “husband”. Now, that’s another issue. The person who marries Romeo and Juliet, Friar Lawrence, is a self-serving fool who made matters worse by encouraging their “love” and then by concocting a plan that ends up killing them both. Throughout this story there is a lot of death as it’s a tragedy and all that death is the result of the stupidity of a couple teenagers.

In conclusion, this play was entertaining and amusing at times but in the end it was stupid and only fuels society’s belief in “love at first sight”, which is never a good thing. It also attests to how stupid hormonal teenagers are as this is what the story is about. A very desperate nineteen year-old who finally finds someone to reciprocate his “love” and that person is a thirteen year-old teenage girl who is also hormonal and immature. Yet, it is somehow regarded as the worlds greatest love story and is certainly one of the most popular.

Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet, where two star-crossed lovers explore how much they love each other through death. These two hormonal teenagers came from two families who hate each other but because their love is so strong they hope to overcome it and Juliet’s impending marriage.