The Renaissance April, 1400 | Page 27

by Jessica Serikawa

William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare is one of the most famous and greatest writers of all time, although his history still remains a mystery. His words and phrases are still used today and there are over a hundred copies of his plays that have been published, including translations into different languages. Academics have written thousands of books and articles about his plots, characters, themes, and languages. Everyone seems to like his plays because it’s good entertainment and that it has drama and laughter. But, I think that Shakespeare is overrated and that people should be studying other literature and seeing other plays.

I think that Shakespeare’s writing is overrated because his plays and his books are really boring. I don’t get what the big deal is with Shakespeare. His writing doesn’t make any sense, and it’s confusing to me. Some of the lines in the books are hard to comprehend and I have to go look it up on the Internet for clarification. Also, his vocabulary and the phrases in his writings are hard for me to understand. Everyone thinks that he is so great, but to me, he is not. I would rather go see a basketball game than see one of his boring plays.

Another reason why I don’t like Shakespeare is that I don’t like the way his stories are all about poetry. I don’t understand some of the lines when I read his books. For example, in a line in “Midsummer’s Night’s Dream,” says that “To live a barren sister all your life, chanting faint hymns to the cold fruitless moon.” I don't think that he should use poetry in every play because it doesn’t even make sense. He should of said that “Theseus warning to Hermia of what could become of her if she doesn’t agree to marry the man her father has chosen for her.” Another line from “Midsummer’s Night’s Dream,” says, “ The course of true love never did run smooth.” Why couldn’t Shakespeare say that Lysander tells Hermia that they are not the only true lovers who have had troubles? It would be easier for readers to understand him. If his plays and books were not in poetry form like his, I would have liked him.

Overall, I think Shakespeare is boring and overrated. People should stop focusing and learning about Shakespeare because I think it’s a waste of time. In my opinion, they should stop remaking Shakespeare plays because it’s a waste of the actors’ time to do a play that is rarely viewed.