The Renaissance April, 1400 | Page 26

10 Play Reviews for Shakespeare

by Crystal Schneider

“One of the greatest geniuses that ever existed.” Shakespeare, undoubtedly wanted taste. -Horace Walpole

Julius Caesar

The Taming of the Shrew

A Midsummer Night's Dream

Henry V

The Winter's Tale

Romeo and Juliet




Like Henry V, Julius Caesar is a classic and is truly a powerful piece. It shows the true colors of the leaders at this time.

This play is usually adapted into queer characters. It is a lovestory between two headstrong individuals that end up falling for eachother. It has modern themes in it and it is a marvel to see on stage.

Okay I think that everyone should go see this play because it is humours and intricate. The way that the stories come together is extremely well done. Props to the actor who plays Bottom because he knows how to keep an audience going.

This play embodies the very contradiction that Henry V was. It wasrawinnatureanddealtwith strong themes. It shed light on what humanity was based off of Henry’s decisions. A must see for people who love literature and want to see it in action.

Hamlet, when done bad, is such a mess that is almost tastless. You could laugh at how it was done, even though the subject matter shouldn’t be a joke. Wretched.

Macbeth was sort of macabre but entertaining at times. There is a lot of psychological conflict. Perfect to see with the kids.

The Tempest

I was expecting a riveting performance but I was surprised by how horrid the actors were. Prospero’s deliveramce was almost like a joke. The actors didn’t take the theme seriosly and I would’ve demanded a refund if I had paid.

Small crowd, due to the fact that it is a lesser-known play. If you are into attending a play with a crowd like that, then You should totally go! It’s intimate in contrast to the dramatic yet Mediterannean theme.

This acclaimed production is based off of forbidden love and hormonal teenagers. I highly reccommend it due to the actual performance. Since no one in the audience knows what “true love” is, they get very emotional. There are a lot of tears involved so bring tissues. Or a rag or something.

This is a tragicomedy that hardly shows itself in the theatre. There are many flaws in its structure but it shows what true goodwill is. Not the best thing I’ve seen.