Let me introduce spring
resolutions; it’s never too late to
change the course of your destiny.
Let spring birth YOU new
experiences. How are you going to
do this – by now you I love lists
and this time I am borrowing some
notes from Shannon Cornell from
the Art of Wellness Center.
Shannon, a registered psychiatrist,
advises on a three step model that
one can follow on their journey to
Spring resolutions.
First step: Get organised
Dust off your new years resolutions list.
Don’t let this process overwhelm you – you
are not a failure. Work through the list
and decide which items can still be tackled
in 2016 and focus on those. There are some
items that may require long-term outlook
however can still be started this year – add
those to the list as well.
Getting organised requires you to put your
ducks in a row and spring offers that
opportunity to take out the old and replace
that with something new or not at all.
Second step: Crate an action plan
Once you have a list of all your New Spring
resolutions – create a plan of how you are
going to tackle your list. How are you
going to do that?
• Draw up a list of what you want to do –
be specific and realistic about the list –
you know your own strengths – make us of
that knowledge
• Set measurable highlights – this will help
you recognise if you are moving forward
with your plan or not
• Set timelines for yourself – this you can
do by plotting a realistic to do list on the
calendar for a set period of time
• Monitor your progress – this you can
schedule into your timeline
Third step – Take action
Once you have your plan all typed out, its
time to take action, just like Nike slogan
says JUST DO IT.