The trend for Sugar-daddy/Blesser
relationships has gone viral and taken over
some circles in SA. In both instances, sex is
a trade-off between the man and young
ladies. It is an understated trade off: at
times it seems the young lady has no choice
in the matter but to just oblige and have sex
with the Sugar Daddy or Blesser.
So what is a Sugar Daddy? –
Urban dictionary says it’s a rich
older man who showers a young
woman with gifts in return for
their company or sexual favours.
The Sugar Daddy word in recent
times has been interchangeable
with the so-called Blesser.
Blessers are the rich man who
showers and offers support to
young ladies; this support is
either financial or material. So
in a sense, Sugar Daddies and
Blessers characterise the same
Be aware of those questions
which may seem innocuous but
reveal everything they need to
know. Our response to this is
twofold. First off, we need to be
sincere with our responses,
highlighting our best qualities.
This does not mean bragging,
there is a thin line that must be
balanced. The ladies don’t like a
bragger, but they don’t like the
meek either. Be confident, be
calm, be genuine but most of all
be smart. Secondly this is an
opportunity to flip the script.
There is a strange power that can
be drawn from directing the
conversation back to the lady in
Blessers knowingly attract young girls who
at times come from poor backgrounds and
need the money and material support to
survive.I have often watched documentaries
that profile Sugar Daddies or Blessers that
show these men sleep with young girls
without using any protection, the results of
which would be pregnancy and sexually
transmitted diseases. See, I have sympathy
for girls that get into these relationships in
order to get her, and her family, by in life.
But I cannot fathom greedy girls who “sell”
sex to their blessers in order get expensive
weaves, trendy phones or any of the luxuries
out there.
With all these trends in our society, what I
know for sure is that no one should pressure
you into having sex if you don’t want to.
Having a sexual relationship with anyone is
an important decision: this decision will
have a lasting effect on you emotionally,
physically and mentally. So are you ready for
sex? If so, you best be ready to protect the
entirety of you, selfishly.