This is the power that resides in the spirit of women, the power to build and to destroy, to empower or to weaken, to kill or to make alive. In the mouth of a woman are the words of power and when she speaks she can alter the destiny of her husband in one of two directions; Either in the direction of greatness, or in the direction of failure. A man can never rise above the woman that he is married to. If she believes in your destiny, then you will make it, but if she doesn't, well as the saying goes in pigeon English and I quote “my Brother, your own don finish ooo!” Our illustrious and most noble first lady Dame Patience Jonathan decided to use her divine power to build up her husband. She used the words of her mouth as an instrument of encouragement. She spoke possibilities into him and told him that she believed in him, and that there is nothing that he cannot do. She told Mr President that nothing will be impossible for him, that he should not be afraid, that her love and strength will not allow him to fail. So he leaped out into the unknown and entered the turbulent waters of national politics, and just as her Excellency predicted, destiny was on his side and he went from deputy Governor to Governor, and then from Vice President, to now becoming the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Such is the spirit and might of our beloved first lady. This same belief that she has in her husband, is what she also has in all Nigerians. As our mother, she has publicly declared her love and affection for us. She has told us as a nation that she believes in us, that she is behind us with her spirit and with her full strength. Nigeria will certainly achieve its goal of being amongst the top 20 most developed nations in the world by 2020 because of the spirit of this great lady. She is telling the nation of Nigeria that she can be a great nation, and because she has said it, we will certainly become that great nation. First lady, we believe that you mean well for Ni- geria. Whatever you say we will be is exactly what we will become. We are not afraid of the challenges that 28 lay ah XY??H\?H?????\??YX??]H[?[?Z[?]?H]?H??[X??H?X\?]?H]\???????X?]\?HH?\?] H?KH[???\?Y?[Y[?[?B???\???\?[?\?\??]\??Y?\?XK\?\?[?YY??\?[?Y[? ?\??\???X]?\??\?\??]?Y ??B?]?HH?\??YH]?[Y]?\?[??\??]\?KH[?\??]\??[[????Y???[??Z[[??\??[??\?B?]?H?[?[?\?Y?\??[?X[ ?????\??\??YK?\??[?Y[YH]Y[??H??KB??[???Z[???Y?\?XKH?[???^HH?Y?[??[?H?[?K?[??[?H??[?\?[\]H??H???[?[?\?\?\?H?\?YX?]H?\?H???H?\??][???[??[?H???Z[??H??H[?[???Y[?X????B??][??[??[?H???Z[??H??\??X[8?'?[?8?'H[??H?Z[?\??\?Y[? ?[??[?H??[?\?\??[????YX?][?[?[?\?\?\?H?XZ?H?\?H]]?\?B??[[??Y?\?XH\?X??\???]X[]H[?Y???X?B?YX?][??X[??]\?[?]X[]HX[?\?K?H??][?H?Y[HZ[??Z[[????Y?\?X[???????Y[??H]?\?H?Y?[?][?H[?[?????Y][??X??]] ??\??YK[?H]?H?\??[?\? ????H??Z\?H??]?H[?H[H?\?X?[?????]H?\??YH?H?][?\?\??\??H???]?[?H?[??]\???[?][?H?[?Y????[??Z[??YH]]?\?H?Y?\?X[??]?H?Z\?????H??\??X[8?'?Y?\?X[??X[x?'K?]X[]HX[?\?B?[?YX?][?\?HXZ??\??Y\?[?H??[??H?^K?X\?H???[??\?H?X???[?\?H[?\???][?\??\??YH??[???H[H[?Y?[?H?[?H?[????[?\??H\?H8?'?Yx?'H[?\??H?][?[??[?Y?\?X[??\??\?X?]?H?Z\??[?\?]X?[?Y?[??[?H[?H]\??[K??H???][?H?[??]?X?]\?H?[?[H?H]?HH?\??YH?]H\?[?[??X\?B??\?[??[??\?H??X[???\???[???]?\??\??[?\?\??]X\? ???