Mothers are the incubators and carriers of destiny, and they’re
backbone of every family. They're the rock upon which communities are built, and it is indeed said and rarely refuted that “the man
may build the “house”, but it is the woman who builds the “home”.
By the predetermined purpose and sovereign choice of the Most
high, his noble Excellency, President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan has
been chosen to lead our nation.
He is a humble and well educated man who is on a mission to
ensure that Nigeria achieves its vision of becoming one of the top 20
most developed nations in the world by the year 2020. An audacious
task indeed but one in which our dear President is more than able to
accomplish. He is a strategic, compassionate and empathetic leader
and a natural manager of men, and these qualities are the basic
building blocks of greatness. He hasn't however, always been the
President of Nigeria, and neither was he born in Aso-Rock. So what
is the secret of his meteoric rise in national politics?
The answer can be found in the ancient proverb which states and
I quote “He who finds a wife finds a good thing, and obtains favor
from God”. It takes a queen to produce a king, and the arrival of
her Excellency Dame Patience Jonathan into the life of President
Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, was the signal that his fortune was about
to change. Dame Patience Jonathan, through feminine intuition
perceived that there was greatness wrapped up in the life of her husband and she decided to do something about it.
She began to encourage him and to speak possibilities into his
being. She created an enabling environment through which her
husband could nurture his political ambitions, interact with the
right people and boldly step into politics without fear of failure or
of man. He walked tall with his head held high because he knew
full well that his rock, his strength, his number one encourager and
supporter, her Excellency Dame Patience Jonathan was behind him.
There is nothing in this world that a man cannot achieve when his
wife is fully backing him.
Great women have the ability to propel their men into their glori-
ous destinies. This is the reason why it is widely stated and rarely
refuted that “behind every successful man, there’s a woman”. If a
woman decides that her husband will be great, no power on Earth
can stop that man. However, if a woman decides that her husband
will be nothing in life, a nobody, a spectator in the affairs of affecting his generation, a non-entity, a beggar, a perpetual failure, an insignificant fellow, a dwarf in the midst of giants, lifeless, purposeless
and without vision, then that is exactly what that man will become.