There’s no human being on the surface of the Earth
who is perfect, we all have our flaws and shortcomings and that is the reason why we need each other.
No man, woman, community, city or Nation has it all
or knows it all, we’re interdependent.
China needs Africa and vice versa, Africa has its
strengths and its weaknesses and so does China, and
if both entities were to concentrate solely on each
other’s weaknesses then that would spell the end of
the Africa-China relations.
The Chinese have trillions of dollars to invest and
Africa has multiplied billions of barrels of oil under
its surface, and both regions are in a race against the
clock. Africa must diversify its economy before the
world stops buying her oil and China must utilize its
vast dollar reserves before the American dollar collapses, and at the rate at which the American federal
reserve bank is printing dollars “quantitative easing”, which is in the region of $75 billion dollars per
month, it won’t be long before the American “fiat”
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