tried”. So why can you not give the same respect to our first lady, a woman who was born and bred in Nigeria? She made a few simple mistakes in a language that is not her native tongue, and her own fellow Nigerians decided to use it as a weapon against her. Have you never heard Chinese Politicians attempting the English language? You can’t even understand 99% of what they’re saying and yet you will never see Chinese people insulting their leaders over their command of the English language. It is only amongst Nigerians that you find people taking the proverbial “medicine for another person’s sickness”. We have become the self appointed international watch dog for all things relating to the English language. For all the English that Nigerians are speaking I can’t see what they’re doing with it. Whilst they’re in their houses speaking good “English” the Lebanese and the Chinese are here speaking good “economics” and are taking over the country. Foreigners have taken over corporate Nigeria, and yet all that doesn’t seem to bother us, all we are concerned about is whether our leaders can speak English better than Queen Elizabeth. When you make it a point of duty to constantly pick out peoples weaknesses and shortcomings, they will become so discouraged to the point of inactivity. They will simply shut down and won’t bother to make a difference. I once heard a story about a Woman who was constantly abusing her husband and repeatedly used adjectives such as “useless” and “stupid” whilst addressing him. She kept describing him as someone who is constantly making wrong decisions. One day she came home and saw her husband looking through their wedding album, she looked at him and asked “what are you doing”? He said “oh, I am just looking at our wedding pictures and asking myself why I made such a stupid decision such as marrying you”. Perhaps she thought that by insulting her husband it would cause him to change for the better, but the opposite effect was the outcome. Words are powerful and if we concentrate on peoples strengths and praise and encourage them instead of picking out their weaknesses and amplifying those, we will get the very best out of them. 25