A mother who only wants the very best for her children, and who is willing to sacrifice her own comfort and luxury in order to ensure that her children attain greatness; Our Mother, we will not disappoint you. Your labor of love and your sacrifice for Nigeria will not be in vain. Millions of Nigerians are eagerly waiting for you to rise up and take on the “Goliaths” that are besieging our nation. Health is wealth and a nation which places healthcare and the education of its youth at the apex of its national agenda, will certainly become a nation to be reckoned with. Thank you for giving us our 14th 29 president, thank you for raising our hopes and aspirations, thank you for answering history’s call to be our illustrious first lady; May your star continue to shine for the whole world to see. Nigeria’s best days are still ahead of her because God in his infinite mercy decided to give us one of his most prized possessions, a precious jewel as our first lady. To her most gracious Excellency Dame Patience Jonathan, we say thank you for being the answer to the problems of Nigeria, truly you are the “The power behind the throne”.