The netball season was unfortunately a short one ; however , when the girls returned to the school , they did so with energy and enthusiasm . It was great getting back on to the court and seeing the girls enjoying the wonderful game of netball again . I am really looking forward to the netball season next year as we have an abundance of talented players who are eager to get back to playing fixtures .
BOYS ’ TENNIS Senior Boys ’
Due to Covid-related issues , this has been a curtailed season at Senior level but , nevertheless , it has featured some excellent tennis and some tight matches for the 1st VI ! It is a shame that 2nd VI fixtures have been unable to take place , and only one U16 match ( a defeat at Ampleforth ).
The 1st VI played six matches , including a hybrid girls / boys / mixed match at
Hill House : we won four and lost two , overall . Of the five 1st VI fixtures , every match went down to the wire , with narrow defeats against Ampleforth and Hymers counterbalanced by excellent victories against Worksop and St . Peter ’ s ( twice !).
Well played to everyone who participated – with special mention to Captain and Player of the Season Tom Dyson , who led by example throughout , ably assisted by Oliver Nicholls , Henry Lunt and Devlin Hunt .
Henry and Devlin share the award for Most Improved Player . As I move into retirement , it has been a privilege to have run tennis teams at Pocklington for the last 35 years , with so many great memories .
Full Colours awarded : Tom Dyson
Half Colours awarded : Oliver Nicholls , Henry Lunt and Devlin Hunt
2022 Boys Tennis Captain : Tom Dyson
U15 / U14 VI
This season has featured some great tennis and some tight matches for the U15 squad ! It is a shame that only two U14 boys ’ matches were played ( both narrow defeats against Hymers and St Peter ’ s ) but the potential for next year ’ s U15 can clearly be seen .
The U15s played six matches , of which we won one and lost five . In many of the matches there were narrow defeats and , as the season progressed , it was clear to see the quality of tennis improving . The commitment of the whole squad was unquestionable ! Well played to everyone who participated , with special mention to Player of the Season , Will Day , who led by example throughout , ably assisted by Dan Symes , Beck Woodall , Toby Winter , Jack Snape and Harry Scanlon . Jack and Harry share the award for Most Improved Player .
I am so proud of the boys this season – they have shown commitment , resilience , and a very positive approach during some very unusual times .
Player of the Season : Will Day
Most Improved Players : Jack Snape and Harry Scanlon
U14 VI
The U14s have had a short tennis season and , unfortunately , only got to play two matches . However , they kept a positive attitude throughout , despite matches being cancelled . Their progression through games sessions has been amazing to see , and every player has progressed in different ways . They have focused mainly on getting their serves right , with power behind them , and the outcome of this has been fantastic . The two matches they played were against Hymers , where they marginally lost 4-5 , and St . Peter ’ s , where they lost 3-6 . The end scores have not displayed the outstanding levels of tennis played throughout . Well done to everyone who has taken part in training sessions , games lessons and matches . An enjoyable season for all involved ! Plus , a big thank you to the U13 players who ‘ played up ’ on one of the matches .
Player of the Season : Luke Mosley
Most Improved Player : Augustine Bizzard