The Pocklingtonian 2020/21 | Page 53


U13 XI

The progress this group has made is remarkable – from no real cricketing experience to a group who are developing good basic skills and an ever-improving tactical understanding of the game .
On the 27th May , they became one of the first teams to play a fixture against our neighbours , St Peter ’ s ; they represented themselves and the school wonderfully , displaying a high level of skill in the process .
Further games with Hill House and a return fixture with St Peter ’ s , have also followed . The group has approached cricket with a very positive and energetic attitude , and I look forward to seeing how they develop in future years .
Player of the Season : Niamh Cowen Most Improved Player : Poppy Levitt

U14 XI

A super term of development for the U14 girls , who have taken to cricket with real energy and enthusiasm to improve . The improvement in the group is quite remarkable and the core skills of bowling , batting , and fielding have improved significantly . It was most pleasing to see the group take part in a range of games , both inter-school and against Hill House . They represented themselves well and came out with a great deal of experience that they can carry forward into future seasons .
There is a great deal of potential within the group and I look forward to seeing them continue their development over future seasons .
Player of the Season : Venus Tam
Most Improved Player : Penny Gibson

U15 XI

A hugely positive term , in which the group has developed a much-improved understanding of the technical and tactical requirements of the game . They have worked with great focus in lessons and after-school practices .
In their only fixture in a pandemicstricken season , they lost to a strong Hill House School team , but showed great commitment and resistance to keep the game as close as they could .
I hope this group continues to work on their cricket in the coming seasons .
Player of the Season : Keely Moore
Most Improved Players : Kitty Webber and Rose Newbould

U16 XI

Sadly , this group did not get the chance to play in a competitive fixture due to exam leave and the condensed season .
However , they showed a good aptitude for the game , have developed a good all-round skill set and are improving their knowledge of the game . I hope those who return to us for Sixth Form will have the opportunity to play in a competitive match , as this would allow them to showcase their ever-improving skills . Player of the Season : Lizzie Wake
Most Improved Player : Kate Scott Clappison