Review 2020-21
The start of the hockey season , back in September 2020 , was a time for some tentative optimism for both the players and coaches . Fresh out of a four-month lockdown and , despite the cancellation of the pre-season tours and on-site training due to the dreaded C-word , we were determined to make the most of the season ahead of us .
Games and after-school training took place as normal , albeit ‘ bubble-secure ’, but the difference this season was that there were no matches to test us ! The girls could certainly have been forgiven for training at a lesser pace than a normal season would allow , but not once did their enthusiasm , commitment , and desire to play ( and win !) falter .
Our fixture against Scarborough College in early October was a highlight . Across the age groups , the girls relished pulling on their match shirts and played with passion against our local opponents . The fixture presented a mixed set of results ; the 1st XI came away with a gritty 5-3 win , the U15 ’ s emerged with a draw , and the U14 ’ s lost this match , despite playing with skill and commitment . The Juniors won both their matches , and a special mention must go to the young players for whom it was the first time representing school on the hockey pitch .
The pandemic proceeded to put a stop to any further external competition and , so , the House Hockey tournament in November allowed the girls a great opportunity to play some competitive matches . Face paints and hair ribbons in house colours aplenty , the representation from girls of all abilities was outstanding .
To summarise , the 2021 / 22 hockey season had the potential to be underwhelming , but the positivity , participation , and passion from all girls , across all age groups was simply awesome . 1st XI Captain Grace Beckett and Vice-Captain Lily Walster did a top job of keeping the momentum going . Although they were denied the chance to lead their team in weekly competition , they led from the front in keeping the energy flowing throughout the hockey programme at Pocklington School .
If there was ever a time to be proud of the ‘ hockey girls ’ at Pock , this is surely it . Thanks to all the girls , coaches and parents involved .
Lucy Hornby