Rugby has looked somewhat different this year at Pock . With the only competition being between internal houses during House Rugby and , with there being limits on contact training , new forms of the game , such as Ready 4 Rugby , came to the fore . However , despite these challenges , rugby has thrived , with 1st XV Captain Ben Maycock and Vice-Captain Ed Hasdell keeping training tight and morale high . There has been excellent engagement during games lessons , both during the week and on Saturdays , with commitment to after-school practices as strong as ever . Hopefully , having a year of training and development will pay dividends when competitive
Sport Scholars . rugby is reintroduced in September .
This year has also seen the creation of our first ever ladies ’ rugby team . The U12 ladies have gone from strength to strength , and were on the cusp of having the first fixture in the Lent Term . Hopefully , that is something that can be fulfilled next season . Pocklington still has a strong relationship with the Yorkshire Rugby Academy and county programme . This season , both Ed Hasdell and Kobby Fofie have represented the Yorkshire Rugby Academy in the U18 Academy League , whilst Danny Prescott , Tom Hirst and Billy Spruyt have been involved with the Yorkshire Academy U18 Squad and
U17 DPP programme . Henry Rodmell and James Cottie have been part of the Yorkshire Rugby Academy U16 DPP , and Tom Councell and Joe Clark are both part of the Yorkshire Rugby Academy U15 DPP . It has also been great for the School to have five coaches involved with the DPP pathway , across the various age groups .
Billy Spruyt has also been training has part of the Hull FC Rugby League scholarship squad and played for their U17 scholarship team against Leeds Rhinos and Gateshead Thunder . Noah Parkinson ( Upper Sixth ) has accepted a scholarship to play rugby in the USA whilst studying at Belmont Abbey College of North Carolina , and Matthew Casselden ( Fifth Form ) has accepted a scholarship offer to join Bishop Burtons ACE Rugby Union Performance Academy . We are incredibly proud of what these two have achieved in a Pocklington jersey , and wish them well on the new journeys .
Lastly , on a personal note , it has been a pleasure and an honour to lead the rugby programme over the last two years . I wish the staff and students every success on and off the pitch in the future , and hope they get as much enjoyment and personal growth out of the sport as I have .
Jonny Wheeler Full Colours : H Hughes
Half Colours : K Fofie , E Hasdell , B Maycock , B Wilkinson