The Pocklingtonian 2020/21 | Page 30



Review 2020-21

Two of the key skills that the CCF teaches its cadets are adaptability and resilience ; both have been more important and well-practised this year than ever before . With the addition of the school bubble restrictions , our Fourth Year training programme sadly could not include training with the Senior cadets and we were not permitted to venture beyond the school grounds ; live firing and flying were simply not possible . However , we are proud that we were one of the first Contingents to recommence training in September and our new recruits were able to enjoy a varied training programme , including skill at arms , fieldcraft , RAF challenge , survival , navigation and drill . At the same time , our Fifth Year took part in the Cadre programme , where priority starts with advanced level training before switching to teaching our cadets how to deliver training themselves . Our Sixth Form cadets have missed out on the opportunity to deliver training to our Fourth Year cadets so have instead led advanced level training for each other with our staff guidance and support .
Despite all the challenges , it has been a remarkable year .
In June , in preparation for CCF becoming an optional , afterschool activity from September 2021 , we provided our Third Year pupils with two off-timetable days to allow them to understand what the CCF can offer them and enable them to make an informed decision on whether to join . They took part